The main purpose of this ongoing blog will be to track United States extreme or record temperatures related to climate change. Any reports I see of ETs will be listed below the main topic of the day. I’ll refer to extreme or record temperatures as ETs (not extraterrestrials).😉
Dear Diary. Every since a historic cold shot chilled the Rockies and Plains in late October most of the United States has seen widespread warmth to near record levels. So much so that we have seen an astounding number of warm record reports the first eight days of November:
And we are not done despite another cold shot bringing some typical November weather to the West the last few days:
We are now in late fall, so this atypical warmth across the northern tier of states is quite welcome. I was delighted to see people reveling in Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ victory in the Northeast, with people celebrating outdoors In gorgeous weather at room temperatures. However:
Some of the record warmth reported over the weekend was truly astounding:
With all of this warmth hanging around the Gulf Coast you can bet that the atmosphere thinks it still is September, thus it is no wonder that we still have tropical troubles:
Some signs for this winter may make us ask:
Of course, I’ll be keeping tabs on warmth and inevitably some cold shots during the late fall and as we roll through the coming winter in this site.
Here are many more “ET’s” from Monday:
Here is more climate and weather news from Monday
(As usual, this will be a fluid post in which more information gets added during the day as it crosses my radar, crediting all who have put it on-line. Items will be archived on this site for posterity. In most instances click on the pictures of each tweet to see each article. The most noteworthy items will be listed first.)
Here are some more notes on Eta and the tropics:
And some other items from Monday:
Now here are some of today’s articles and notes on the horrid COVID-19 pandemic:
(If you like these posts and my work please contribute via the PayPal widget, which has recently been added to this site. Thanks in advance for any support.)
Guy Walton “The Climate Guy”