The main purpose of this ongoing blog will be to track planetary extreme, or record temperatures related to climate change. Any reports I see of ETs will be listed below the main topic of the day. I’ll refer to extreme or record temperatures as ETs (not extraterrestrials).😉
Main Topic: Follow the $Billions…To Climate Disinformation
Dear Diary. In this day and age of fairly obvious worsening weather due to climate change, whether it be drought, fires, floods, or storms, all that we have covered on this blog recently, there should not be a waste of money going towards disinformation. Yet, this practice continues during 2022:
These billions could be donated to groups or companies that strengthen climate adaptation infrastructure resilience or some other worthy charity nonrelated to climate, yet we see money flowing down the toilet towards groups who inevitably harm society. Obviously, this makes me angry, and you should be too in this day and age of a worsening climate crisis, when money is tight, and needs are great.
Here are many documented details about where dark money from another climate villain, Barre Seid, went via Desmog:
Barre Seid

Barre Seid
- Honorary Doctorate, Bar-Ilan University. [1]
- Attended University of Chicago. [1]
- Attended University of Colorado. [1]
- Attended Wharton Graduate School, University of Pennsylvania. [1]
Barre Seid is an American Industrialist and past chairman and CEO of Trippe Lite (formerly Trippe Manufacturing Company), a surge protector manufacturer. He has also controlled Fiber Bond of Michigan City, Indiana and is the founder of the Barbara and Barre Seid Foundation. [2]
A number of sources have suggested that Barre Seid may be the “Anonymous Donor” that has supported many of the Heartland Institute’s climate change denial activities. [3]
According to leaked documents obtained by DeSmog, an anonymous donor contributed at least $13,342,267 to Heartland between 2007 and 2011. [20]
The idea of Barre Seid as the mystery donor is corroborated by October 2012 and February 2012 reports compiled by computer scientist John Mashey. According to Mashey, “The combination of IRS Form 990s, February documents, and other information proves his identity, as the numbers simply do not work otherwise.” [18], [19]
Salon magazine reported that Seid may also have been the anonymous donor behind a right-wing campaign by the Clarion Fund to distribute DVDs about Radical Islam in swing states. Salon described Seid: [4]
“The elderly and press-shy Seid is president of Tripp Lite, a large Chicago-based manufacturer of power strips that got into the personal computer market on the ground floor back in the 1980s. Seid has personally poured millions of dollars into Republican campaigns and conservative causes, and his foundation has given generously to the Cato Institute, the Americans for Limited Government Foundation, and the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This year, Seid received an honorary degree from Bar-Ilan University outside Tel Aviv for his work ‘supporting those organizations which will fortify Israel’s position in the world.’”
Stance on Climate Change
While Barre Seid appears to have funded a number of climate science denial efforts including those of the Heartland Institute, he has not released an official statement on the issue.
Key Deeds
December 16, 2019
Over 800 pages of documents were produced by George Mason University in October 2019 and obtained via a FOI request by attorney and GMU Law School alumna Allison Pienta suggest Seid may be the “anonymous donor” who pledged $20 million over a five-year period to rename George Mason’s Law School after the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. [21]
“The documents that prove that Mr. Seid is the Scalia Law donor were produced in response to requests under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act for ‘communications or documents containing the name of the anonymous donor under the March 31, 2016 Grant Agreement, or the name of the lawyer and agent for the anonymous donor’,” Allison Pienta, a volunteer advocate for UnKoch My Campus, wrote at Medium. “[T]he Law School’s former Dean Polsby and its current Dean, Henry Butler, regularly communicated with Mr. Seid in-person, by telephone, and by electronic communications.” [22]
According to Pienta, Virginia FOIA Advisory Council pushed the University’s Dean of the Law School—who claimed to be the only one who knew the name of the anonymous donor—to provide the name to the University’s FOIA officer in order to conduct the search, after which that name was redacted in all provided documents.
However, when a follow-up request was made for all communications with “Barre Seid,” Mr. Seid’s name appeared unredacted in some of the same communications that came from the prior response for the anonymous donor.
“Other emails where the donor’s name had been redacted were revealed to be related to communications with Mr. Seid about meetings with the Law School’s current and former Deans,” Pienta wrote.
Some of the key findings, via Medium, from the FOIA included:
- Following a January 2000 donation for $300,000 for “two new institutions for federal judges,” the same donor pledged $650,000 per year to the GMU’s Law & Economics Center, and “[m]ost of this money would pass through to donees external to GMU”
- Confirmation Seid started using Donors Trust and Donors Capital Fund to make the source of his donations less transparent. Later communications described efforts to reveal contributions to Donors Trust as “the essence of a witch hunt.”
- After Seid set up the Chicago Freedom Trust with officers from Donors Trust and Donors Capital Fund, as well as Leonard Leo of the Federalist Society, Henry Butler met in person with Seid in March 2011 and solicited funding for “training” in September 2011. A followup email from the donor to Butler commented “400,000 coming from DT [Donors’ Trust] for econ/law and law/econ professor training. Hope to continue yearly”
- The donor announced to Dean Polsby, responding to a March 2013 email, that “I intend to make 5 yearly contributions of $250,000 each to the Law School [amended five days later to $375,000 per year]” through “Donors Trust” “to fund the compensation and fringe benefits” of a specific professor whose name is redacted. The donor added, “if [name redacted] leaves GMU, the contributions will cease”
- In February 2014, the donor agreed to a project to address “extreme deference” to government agencies under administrative law. On July 14, 2014, then-LEC Director Butler told Leonard Leo that the conference “for which our friend provided special funding” on “Administration Unbound?” will be held on September 11–12, 2014
- Barre Seid met with incoming Dean Butler, Dean Polsby, LEC Deputy Director Paige Butler (Dean Butler’s spouse), and new LEC Director Todd Zywicki. Later that same day, the donor sent an email to Dean Polsby: “Confirming our discussion of today, we are forwarding from Donors Capital Fund $150,000 as the first installment of a three-year commitment to assist you in hiring [a professor whose name has been redacted]”
- The anonymous donor, believed to be Seid, entered into a grant agreement for $4 million per year over five years ($20 million total) to rename George Mason’s Law School after Justice Scalia. An additional $10 million would come from the Charles Koch Foundation. The agreement included a provision for twelve faculty to be hired to carry out the “Mission,” defined in the agreement as “[r]etain[ing] focus on the study of Law & Economics” and developing “areas of concentration” on “intellectual property, legal history, constitutional studies, administrative law, and the relationship between law and liberty.” The agreement identified Dean Butler as a “critical part of advancing the School’s Mission,” and the donor asked to be notified if the Dean was ever replaced. The agreement required support for the School’s Center that is dedicated to “dismantling the Administrative State” and a new “Center for Liberty & Law.” It also installed Leonard Leo in an oversight role for a newly created ““BH Fund.” The grants were to be conditional on the anonymous donor’s approval “ in his “sole and absolute discretion” and would include “annual written proposals.”
- FOIA documents showed that the former dean Polsby and its current Dean, Henry Butler met with Barre Seid in person, including eight such meetings in Chicago.
Leaked documents revealed that an “Anonymous Donor” had contributed over $13,342,267 in donations between 2007 and 2011 to the Heartland Institute, an organization known for spreading climate science denial and misinformation.
Sources have suggested that this anonymous donor is Barre Seid. This suggestion is corroborated by October, 2012 and February, 2012 reports by computer scientist John Mashey. According to Mashey, “The combination of IRS Form 990s, February documents, and other information proves his identity, as the numbers simply do not work otherwise.” [18], [19]
All of these donations were funneled through Donors Trust and Donors Capital Fund, organizations designed to “safeguard the charitable intent of donors who are dedicated to the ideals of limited government, personal responsibility, and free enterprise.” [5]
According to the leaked Heartland 2012 Fundraising Plan, the “Anonymous Donor” made the following contributions from 2007-2011: [20]
Project | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
General Operating | $500,000 | $500,000 | $500,000 | $700,000 | $350,000 |
Ramp Up Program | $800,000 | $800,000 | $400,000 | $0 | $0 |
Global Warming Projects | $1,976,937 | $3,300,000 | $1,732,180 | $964,150 | $629,000 |
Health Care | $0 | $0 | $190,000 | $0 | $0 |
School Reform | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $80,000 |
Total | $3,276,937 | $4,600,000 | $2,822,180 | $1,664,150 | $979,000 |
Illinois auditor reports for 2003-2009 reveal that a single donor (possibly the same individual as the “Anonymous Donor”) contributed the following percentages of outstanding accounts receivable in those years (also see p. 56 of John Mashey’s report):
2004 (PDF — See p. 27) — 74% contributed by two donors.
2005 (PDF — See p. 32) — 74% from one donor.
2006 (PDF — See p. 33) — 25% from one individual.
2007 (PDF — See p. 32) — 38% from one donor.
2008 (PDF — from 2009 — see p. 43) — 58% from one donor.
2009 (see previous, p. 43) — 35% from one donor.
The Anonymous Donor pledged an additional $1,250,000 for 2012, including contributions to the NIPCC Project (a climate skeptics’ report organized by the Science and Environmental Policy Project with assistance from the Heartland Institute), Anthony Watts‘ “Weather Stations Project,” and David Wojick‘s “Global Warming Curriculum Project.”
Amount | Project |
$457,000 | General Operating |
$194,000 | NIPCC Project |
$44,000 | Weather Stations Project |
$100,000 | Global Warming Curriculum Project |
$105, 000 | Cook County Debt Project |
$100,000 | Operation Angry Badger |
$250,000 | Additional gift (not determined) |
$1,250,000 | Total |
The “Weather Stations Project” referred to a new web site by Anthony Watts which would convert temperature data from the National Aeronautics and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) “into easy-to-understand graphs that can be easily understood by weathermen and the general interested public” (p.18, Heartland’s 2012 “Fundraising Plan”).
David Wojick‘s “Global Warming Curriculum Project” is a K-12 curriculum designed to counter what Wojick suggests is an “alarmist perspective” being taught in schools. The modules would discuss why “whether humans are changing the climate is a major scientific controversy” and would promote the idea that climate models’ “reliability is controversial.”
Numerous sources have credited Barre Seid as behind the attempted “ideological takeover” of Shimer College, a small Chicago-area “Great Books” college. Shimer received over $800,000 between 2007 and 2008 from Seid’s foundation. In 2008, through a year-long process conducted by the Shimer College Presidential Search Committee, three candidates were chosen for the position of president. All three were rejected by an anonymous donor now understood to be Barre Seid. The fourth candidate, Thomas Lindsay, was brought forward by friend of Seid and longtime Board of Trustees Member Patrick Parker. [6]
In 2009, Thomas Lindsay was appointed president and soon began implementing sweeping changes to Shimer’s board which included the addition of trustees with significant conservative connections and many with ties to Barre Seid. [6]
These additions included Carson Halloway and Matthew Franck of the National Review, Michael McDonald who founded the conservative Center for Individual Rights, Anne Coulter, and Bob Chitester who headed Free to Choose Media. [7] Other notable members of the “takeover faction” included Heartland Institute President Joseph Best and Eric O’Keefe of the Sam Adams Alliance and (Seid-funded) U.S. Term Limits. [8], [9], [10], [11]
Under this new management, significant changes were proposed to the Shimer mission statement including replacing references of “active citizenship” and “informed, responsible action” for references to “ordered political liberty such as we enjoy in American democracy.” These changes, among others, alarmed Shimer community and staff members.
The opposition from community members eventually became an open struggle that received national press coverage including a Wall Street Journal article that shimer College staff and students described as “a misleading, tendentious screed about the current events at Shimer.” [12], [13]
The continued struggle led to open protest and a petition that called for Lindsay’s resignation. On April 18 the Shimer Assembly, a body giving all students, faculty and administrative staff at the college equal voting privilege, passed a unanimous resolution of no confidence for Lindsay. After successfully convincing two swing members of Shimer’s Board, they were able to vote to fire Lindsay and effectively stop the ideological takeover. [14]
Shortly before the 2008 US presidential Election, an accounting error revealed that Barre Seid was likely behind the production and distribution of millions of DVDs about radical Islam. The film, titled “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War With the West,” was distributed by the nonprofit Clarion Fund to help Republican candidates who were trying to portray Democrats as weak on the issue of terrorism. [4]
The 28 million DVD copies arguably fuelled anti-Muslim sentiment in the country, and according to Salon the film “was widely criticized for its cartoonish portrayal of Muslims as modern-day Nazis.” [4], [15]
While nonprofits must submit financial information including the identity of donors to the IRS, usually only the basic revenue and spending data are made available to the public. In this case, it appears an extra page detailing donor information was inadvertently included in the public filing which revealed a “Barry Seid” as donor.
According to Salon, while the spelling on the IRS form lists a “Barry Seid,” the only individual capable of a $17 million donor to the Clarion and who fit the profile was Barre Seid. The fact that Seid had used Donors Trust in the past to fund controversial causes only strengthened the case.
Seid’s representative flatly denied to Salon that he has ever given money to Clarion:
Seid assistant Joan Frontczak told Salon in an e-mail: “Mr. Seid did not make any contributions to the Clarion Fund.” And she added: “Mr. Seid is a very private person and doesn’t seek publicity of any kind.”
Furthermore, Clarion Fund spokesman Alex Traiman denied that the inadvertently released document is accurate.
“The sources of anonymous donations to the Clarion Fund in 2008 have been incorrectly identified,” Traiman said in an e-mail to Salon. “As like many other not-for-profit organizations, we respect the right of private donors to remain anonymous.”
Salon also noted that the Donors Capital Fund’s 2008 IRS filing showed that DCF gave $17.7 million to Clarion at the same time that the DVDs were sent out. Donors Capital Fund acts as a “charitable vehicle” where donors can direct where they want their money to go. Whitney Ball, president of DCF, told Salon that “One of our clients made a recommendation for Clarion and so we did it.” She did not identify the client or comment on Seid.
Seid’s private foundation, The Barbara and Barre Seid Foundation, has also made at least one donation to Donors Capital Fund in the past. [16]
- Donors Capital Fund/DonorsTrust — Donor.
- The Heartland Institute (?) — Potential donor.
- Clarion Fund (?) — Potential donor.
- Trippe Lite (formerly Trippe Manufacturing Company) — Founder.
- Fiber Bond Corporation of Illinois — Chairman of the Board. [17]
Barre Seid does not appear to have released any notable publications on climate change or any other subject.
- “55th Annual Board of Trustees” (PDF), Bar-Ilan University, May, 2010.
- “Tripp Lite Appoints New President,”CIO . September 22, 2011.
- “The case for Barre Seid as the Heartland Institute’s Anonymous Donor: Summation,” Daily KOS, March 6, 2012.
- “Mystery of who funded right-wing ‘radical Islam’ campaign deepens,” Salon, November 16, 2010.
- “Overview: What is Donors Capital Fund?“ Donors Capital Fund. Archived February 22, 2018. URL:
- “Barbara and Barre Seid Foundation,” Conservative Transparency. Accessed February 22, 2018.
- “The Conservative Menace,” Chicago Reader, December 10, 2009.
- “Who’s Buying Shimer?“ Chicago Reader, February 25, 2010.
- “Shimer Trustees Honored,” Somewhat Reasonable (Heartland Institute Blog), February 3, 2011.
- “Shimer’s Board of Trustees,” Shimer Alumni Alliance, January 26, 2010.
- “Barre Seid’s Obsession,” Daily Kos, November 18, 2010.
- “On the Barricades at Shimer,” The Wall Street Journal, March 10, 2010.
- “Shimer College Fact Check: Wall Street Journal article,” Shimer College and the Future, March 12, 2010.
- “Shimer College thwarts right-wing takeover attempt,” Daily Kos, April 21, 2010.
- Rachel Slajda. “How 30 Million DVDs Sent In 2008 Election Fuel The Anti-Mosque Debate Today,” TPM, August 25, 2010.
- ““Barbara and Barre Seid Foundation: Search String: donors capital”,” Conservative Transparency. Search performed February 22, 2018.
- “Barre Seid,” Corporationwiki. Last updated November 14, 2011.
- John Mashey. “Fakery 2: More Funny Finances, Free Of Tax,” DeSmog, October 25, 2012.
- John Mashey. “Fake science, fakexperts, funny finances, free of tax,” DeSmog, February 14, 2012.
- Brendan DeMelle. “Heartland Institute Exposed: Internal Documents Unmask Heart of Climate Denial Machine,” DeSmog, February 14, 2012.
- Allison Pienta. “GMU FOIA Documents October 2019 1 to 820.pdf,” Dropbox, October 2019. Archived May 27, 2021. URL:
- Allison Pienta. “New Evidence Suggests Chicago Billionaire “Closely Allied” with the Koch Brothers and Implicated in Funding Climate-Change Denial and Islamophobia Is Anonymous “Dark Money” Donor Behind Renaming of George Mason University’s Law School,” Medium, December 16, 2019. Archived May 27, 2021. Archive URL:
Other Resources
- “Thomas Lindsay vs Shimer College,” YouTube video uploaded by user FWShimerFoundation, February 26, 2010.
- “Barre Seid,” SourceWatch.
Here are some more “ET’s” recorded from around the planet the last couple of days, their consequences, and some extreme temperature outlooks:
Here is more climate and weather newsfeed from Wednesday:
(As usual, this will be a fluid list in which more information gets added during the day as it crosses my radar, crediting all who have put it on-line. Items will be archived on this site for posterity. In most instances click on the pictures of each tweet to see each article. The most noteworthy items will be listed first.)
(If you like these posts and my work, please contribute via this site’s PayPal widget. Thanks in advance for any support.)
Guy Walton “The Climate Guy”