The main purpose of this ongoing blog will be to track planetary extreme, or record temperatures related to climate change. Any reports I see of ETs will be listed below the main topic of the day. I’ll refer to extreme or record temperatures as ETs (not extraterrestrials).😉
Main Topic: Drought Causing Migration- A Cautionary Tale from History
Dear Diary. Yesterday we delved into the current drought occurring across the south-central U.S. One question. Could a series of long-lasting droughts around main food growing areas across the world end civilization as we know it? The short answer is yes if these occur when our climate truly gets out of whack, probably if or when the Earth gets above +1.5°C above preindustrial conditions permanently.
The good news for the United States is that at least in the short term the eastern 2/3rds of the United States are tending to see more rainfall. The bad news is that some climate models indicate that above +1.5°C the nations heartland will get much drier, perhaps creating a new dustbowl:
Supercomputing model warns of next American dustbowl • The Register
“Simulations suggest that large portions of the Midwest will be in a state of persistent drought, and the American West isn’t looking much better off, despite recent rainstorms that have raised hopes of more lush times ahead.”
Dr. Michael Mann has written a cautionary tale from history this week involving both drought and migration. I’m sharing that with you today:
Drought, migration and the fall of civilization: A cautionary tale | The Hill
Drought, migration and the fall of civilization: A cautionary tale

The Boca reservoir, that supplies water to the northern city of Monterrey, is almost dry as the northern part of Mexico is affected by an intense drought, in Santiago, Mexico, July 9, 2022. Tens of millions of people are being uprooted by natural disasters due to the impact of climate change, though the world has yet to fully recognize climate migrants or come up with a formalized mechanism to assess their needs and help them. (AP Photo/Fernando Llano, File)
The writer George Santayana once famously said: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
This adage seems especially poignant at this moment with the twin conflicts that are playing out in the Western and Eastern hemispheres. For, this is not the first time we’ve witnessed the construction of a massive border wall to impede refugees fleeing environmental degradation. Nor is it the first time that we’ve seen instability in the Middle East, amplified by conflict over precious water resources.
History, it seems, has some lessons for us. Consider the cautionary tale of the rise and fall of Mesopotamia.
Having arisen 6,000 years ago in the Middle East, Mesopotamia was the first true civilization. It consisted of individual city-states with populations comparable to modern towns and small cities. They were separated from each other by canals or stone boundaries and connected by trade and commerce. These interconnected city-states arose, as it turns out, as a response to climate-driven environmental stress.
Agriculture had taken hold in the aptly named fertile crescent around 10,000 years ago when it was relatively lush and humid. But as the region became steadily drier over the ensuing millennia, driven by long-term changes in Earth’s orbit around the Sun, it had become too dry for rain-fed agriculture 6,000 years ago.
It’s been said that “necessity is the mother of invention” and such was the case here. The challenge of a drying climate led to the innovation of irrigation, with the land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (Mesopotamia translates to “the land between the rivers”) constituting an ideal laboratory for nascent hydrological engineering.
However, engineering projects require a specialized workforce and division of labor. Aided, in turn, by irrigation technology that tapped into the water supply of the two rivers, farmers could grow an abundance of crops. That freed others to perform other roles such as construction. It was a symbiotic relationship.
The social organization, division of labor and hierarchy afforded by civilization led to increased power and influence of the city-states, and by 4,300 years ago, they had merged to form the first great empire — the Akkadian empire — extending, at its peak, from present-day Kuwait in the south, through parts of Iraq, Iran and Syria, to southern Turkey in the north.
Civilization afforded increased resilience, as irrigation could support farming even when rainfall became increasingly intermittent as the region continued to grow more arid. But resilience has its limits, as we learn from the fall of the Akkadian Empire around 4,200 years ago.
The likely culprit was a massive volcanic eruption that cooled off and dried out the subtropics, including the Middle East, for a decade or more. The Akkadian Empire had become dependent on the productivity of the northern part of the empire. The agricultural surplus from the north was typically distributed to other regions and used to support a massive army. But the extended drought decimated agricultural productivity, as grimly reported in “The Curse of Akkad”: “The large arable tracts yielded no grain, the inundated fields yielded no fish, the irrigated orchards yielded no syrup or wine, the thick clouds did not rain.”
The agricultural collapse was followed by mass southward migration of the northern populations. The caravan met with opposition from the southern populations, including the construction of a 100-mile-long wall known as the “Repeller of the Amorites.” Stretching from the Tigris all the way to the Euphrates, it was built in a desperate effort to keep out immigrants as climate conditions deteriorated.
It is difficult — nay impossible — not to draw a connection with another wall — the one former U.S. President Donald Trump promised to build at the southern border of the United States to keep out Mexican and Central American refugees. What might have been dismissed as a cynical ploy by an authoritarian president to placate his nativist base and a dim prospect during the Biden presidency suddenly has renewed life. An ongoing fear campaign by right-wing media to frighten Americans with apocalyptic tales of mass invasions by dangerous, lawless hordes of migrants has apparently borne fruit, goading Democrats now into supporting the gambit.
There are multiple factors behind the ongoing migration. But human-caused climate change and its detrimental impact on food and water is a key underlying factor. Speaking of those seeking to cross the U.S. border, United Nations adviser Andrew Harper said that “climate change is reinforcing underlying vulnerabilities and grievances … leading to people having no other choice but to move.” The construction of a wall cannot solve the larger problem of growing food and water insecurity and ensuing conflict on a warming planet.
And there is no greater reminder of that fact than what is happening right now in the Middle East, once home to the Akkadian Empire.
Unrest erupted in Syria in mid-March 2011, growing into an outright civil war in Syria that has now cost hundreds of thousands of lives and produced one of the greatest mass migrations on record. The underlying cause was a decade-long drought in Syria that is likely the worst in a millennium. The devastating agricultural impacts of the unprecedented, climate change-fueled drought forced rural farmers into the cities of Aleppo and Damascus, where they were competing for food, water and space with existing residents. The conflict, unrest and violence created a favorable recruiting environment for the international terrorist organization known as Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, aka “ISIS.”
Decades ago, agronomist Daniel Hillel argued that conflict in the Middle East, while nominally over land disputes, has always fundamentally been about the battle for water. The battle over access to fresh water has contributed directly to tensions between Israel and Palestine, tensions that have now erupted into all-out war.
Hillel contended that peace in the region can only come when the need for water is met. Given that climate change is projected to continue to decrease freshwater resources in the region, a logical extension of Hillel’s maxim is that peace can only come about if we address the underlying factors, which include climate-induced competition for precious water resources.
There is an even larger lesson here for all of us. We see that civilization is both resilient and fragile at the same time. The Akkadian empire was able to reduce its vulnerability to limited water resources through the tools of civilization: large workforces that could implement water storage and irrigation, and transport of resources from where there are surpluses to where there are deficits. But sprawling civilizations, as we see, are fragile, requiring cooperation and a degree of common interest among diverse communities. In response to the shock of an epic drought, the empire collapsed.
What implications does that have for our truly globally connected, planetary-scale civilization today? Is it susceptible to collapse given a large climate perturbation? Just how large does that perturbation have to be?
Michael E. Mann is presidential distinguished professor and director of the Center for Science, Sustainability and the Media at The University of Pennsylvania. He is author of the book “Our Fragile Moment: How Lessons from Earth’s Past Can Help Us Survive the Climate Crisis.”
Speaking of drought:
Remarkable to me that some seemingly cannot hold these two entirely compatible facts in their minds at the same time: 1. The Hamas attack was a barbarous act of terrorism. 2. Disputes over resources (esp. water) have been a contributing factor behind all middle east conflict. 🧵
— Prof Michael E. Mann (@MichaelEMann) October 15, 2023
River houses on the Amazon River are becoming…just regular houses. Incredible drought levels in South America have never been seen before.
— Peter Dynes (@PGDynes) October 15, 2023
Here are some “ET’s” recorded from around the planet the last couple of days, their consequences, and some extreme temperature outlooks, as well as any extreme precipitation reports:
Brutal heat wave in Western Australia (and Northern Territory) with monthly record temperatures broken:
— Extreme Temperatures Around The World (@extremetemps) October 15, 2023
43.3C Carnarvon
42.8C Shark Bay
Also 38.8C at Pirlangimpi ,NT is also an all time high
Even hotter tomorrow with the heat spreading and increasing.
Fierce heat wave in Southern Africa
— Extreme Temperatures Around The World (@extremetemps) October 15, 2023
44.9C Tete, Mozambique
43.2C Nsanje, Malawi
Temperatures are at record levels also in Zambia and Tanzania.
Monthly records in Tanzania yesterday
35.9 Tabora
33.2 Iringa 1426m
More heat coming in Tanzania:the October national heat might fall
Similar name, similar fate:
— Extreme Temperatures Around The World (@extremetemps) October 15, 2023
In #Brazil yesterday Barra rose to 40.0C which is 0.1C from its all time high set in 2020
Another station, Barra do Corda rose to 40.8C a monthly record, and also 0.1C from its all time high set in 1962.
Today a new fierce heat wave starts in Paraguay
From today and all next week we can expect huge contrasts in Europe between cold and stormy weather, some cold clear nights and burst of hot sirocco wind.
— Extreme Temperatures Around The World (@extremetemps) October 15, 2023
Today up to 35.3C in Sicily, next week up to 40C in Tunisia;Europe will be very dynamic and split between warm and cold.
Very hot also in Madagascar:
— Extreme Temperatures Around The World (@extremetemps) October 15, 2023
39.3C at Maevatanana is 0.2C from its October 1963 record
34.8C at Fianarantsoa in the highlands at 1115m
While the heat is slowing in Mozambique and Zambia, it's here to stay in Tanzania and Madagascar.
Stifling heat in #Thailand from North to South.
— Extreme Temperatures Around The World (@extremetemps) October 15, 2023
Today 37.0C at Mae Sariang in the North (0.1C from monthly record), October heat record in the Gulf with 35.6C at Koh Sichang.
Minimum temperatures up to 28.6C at Bangkok, a record for October with dew points up to 29C.
Snowstorms and than cold temperatures in the eastern part of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in China.
— Extreme Temperatures Around The World (@extremetemps) October 15, 2023
Minimum temperatures plummeted as low as -28.4C at Hala Lake yesterday.
Unbelievable FRENCH GUIANA:Hottest day on record again !
— Extreme Temperatures Around The World (@extremetemps) October 14, 2023
39.1C today at Grand Santi
All time highs also in other stations including 38.9C at St Laurent 👎
More records in the Caribbeans
Roatan Island (Honduras) Tmin 29.4 Tmax 35
San Andres Island (Colombia) Tmin 28.9 Tmax 34.8
Fall is in most of the United States and the record heat wave in Florida is fading
— Extreme Temperatures Around The World (@extremetemps) October 14, 2023
But another extreme,potentially historic heat wave is brewing:
California and Arizona will rise well above 100s and perhaps 105F for most of next week
AC will be a must for millions of Americans.
Here is some more brand-new September 2023 climatology:
September 2023 in #Taiwan had an average temperature of 25.72C,+0.66C above normal
— Extreme Temperatures Around The World (@extremetemps) October 15, 2023
For the Yushan Peak it was the 22nd consecutive warmer than average month
Average rainfall was 303.1mm,which is 79% above normal
See temperatures and rainfalls anomalies maps (in percentiles)by CWB
Here is More Climate and Weather News from Sunday:
(As usual, this will be a fluid post in which more information gets added during the day as it crosses my radar, crediting all who have put it on-line. Items will be archived on this site for posterity. In most instances click on the pictures of each tweet to see each article. The most noteworthy items will be listed first.)
The evidence in favor of linearity of surface warming with cumulative carbon emissions is extremely strong. Here's a figure from @IPCC_Ch #AR6 ( Watch this space for a comprehensive new peer-reviewed analysis…
— Prof Michael E. Mann (@MichaelEMann) October 14, 2023
These 14 Hawaiʻians are going to court to defend their constitutional right to a clean and healthful environment. Hawaiʻi’s DoT has continued to fund & implement transit projects that lock in & escalate the use of fossil fuels. So they're taking action. And we're proud to help.
— Earthjustice (@Earthjustice) October 15, 2023
Thanks Jacquelyn. Mr. S. has repeatedly misrepresented the science to support a pro-geoengineering agenda. The ocean heat data from our '23 article are readily available & anyone can confirm that there's a constant rate of heating. The truth is bad enough:
— Prof Michael E. Mann (@MichaelEMann) October 15, 2023
Temperature anomalies over the last month (left), 3 months (center), and 12 months (right) in the Northern Hemisphere…
— Zack Labe (@ZLabe) October 14, 2023
Data from @CopernicusECMWF ERA5 reanalysis at
I do not have better news.
— Zack Labe (@ZLabe) October 15, 2023
Last monthly climate indicators update:
So says James Hansen:
— Prof. Eliot Jacobson (@EliotJacobson) October 15, 2023
"There will be no need to ruminate for 20 years about whether the 1.5°C level has been reached, as IPCC proposes. On the contrary, Earth’s enormous energy imbalance assures that global temperature will be rising still higher for the foreseeable future"
40% Ice loss in 25 years…holey moley, will there be a coastal city left?. "Around 40% of Antarctica's ice shelves shrunk in the past 25 years, according to a new study published on Thursday.
— Peter Dynes (@PGDynes) October 15, 2023
“The ocean humbles you all the time,” says physicist Helen Czerski.
— Yale Environment 360 (@YaleE360) October 15, 2023
“There’s this illusion that we are in control of our planet and that we’ve got some handles on the driving levers. But we should be very, very careful before we use them.”
Your 'moment of doom' for Oct. 15, 2023 ~ Spoiler: the early 2040's.
— Prof. Eliot Jacobson (@EliotJacobson) October 15, 2023
"we’ve done so little for so long that whatever we do with emissions over the next 20 years is going to make no real difference to when global warming exceeds 2 degrees."
These 14 Hawaiʻians are going to court to defend their constitutional right to a clean and healthful environment. Hawaiʻi’s DoT has continued to fund & implement transit projects that lock in & escalate the use of fossil fuels. So they're taking action. And we're proud to help.
— Earthjustice (@Earthjustice) October 15, 2023
Totally evil -they knew back in 1981 they were causing catastrophic climate change from their own scientists research and they knew they had a duty of care but chose to cover it up and pretend man made climate change did not exist and continued to pump massive amounts of carbon
— GO GREEN (@ECOWARRIORSS) October 15, 2023
Siberia: Hottest day in history
— Mike Hudema (@MikeHudema) October 15, 2023
Canada: largest wildfire season ever
Antarctic: Sea ice extent another record low.
Japan: 100 rainfall records broken
Global: Hottest days ever recorded.
There is no time to wait! #ActOnClimate #climate #energy
Today’s News on Sustainable, Traditional Polluting Energy from Fossil Fuel, and the Green Revolution:
#SundayMorning Reading: “The World Bank does not have the power to force governments to remove these subsidies but it can advise and pressure them.” Dirty subsidies targeted by the World Bank to fund #climateaction
— Silicon Valley North (@CCLSVN) October 15, 2023
Vermont utility @GreenMtnPower to provide $30 million in home batteries to customers to reduce the chance of blackouts – found it cheaper than building new transmission lines @LValigra @RoaldMarth
— Mark Z. Jacobson (@mzjacobson) October 14, 2023
This innovative Dutch farm grows food with minimal water, no soil and zero pesticides.
— Mike Hudema (@MikeHudema) October 14, 2023
This is where I find hope. In solutions being implemented all over the world. Let's speed it up. #ActOnClimate #climatesolutions #climate #energy #farming #GreenNewDeal #nature #hope
"We're not in the business of selling ice cream"
— Greenpeace International (@Greenpeace) October 15, 2023
It is revolting to see the CEOs of the world's biggest fossil fuel companies justifying their destructive activities with such contempt while extreme weather events are shattering more and more human lives
More from the Weather Department:
2 PM AST OCT 15: Formation chance through 48 hours has decreased further, but AL94 may still become the next tropical depression or storm in the next couple of days. Stay tuned for updates! #PRwx #USVIwx
— NWS San Juan (@NWSSanJuan) October 15, 2023
Cold and snowy weather is taking its grip in #Siberia.
— Thierry Goose (@ThierryGooseBC) October 15, 2023
The Russian town of Batagaj-Alyta, on the eastern flank of the Verkhoyansk Range, dropped to -29.8°C, the coldest temperature of the season in #Russia 🇷🇺.
-28.4°C in Hala Lake (Tibet) #China 🇨🇳
-27.1°C in Eureka, #Canada 🇨🇦
Are you ready Florida? Monday night temps here dipping low with 50s making it all the way through the state. Might even see a couple 30's up north. I got wood. Do you?
— Mike's Weather Page (@tropicalupdate) October 15, 2023
More on the Environment:
55 million+ people across the US were under air quality alerts.
— Mike Hudema (@MikeHudema) October 15, 2023
13 million hectares burned by wildfires in Canada this year — 15x normal.
400+ fires still burning.
This is what the climate crisis looks like. No time to wait. #ActOnClimate
Dominica’s mountain chicken frog disappears in ‘fastest extinction ever recorded’
— Guardian Environment (@guardianeco) October 15, 2023
More on Other Science and the Beauty of Earth and this Universe:
So sad 7 Earthquakes in the past 7 days… These 2 this morning. Just very tragic impacts!!
— James Wilson (@tornadokid3) October 15, 2023
The annular eclipse looked great from West Texas today. Here you can see “Baily’s beads”… the sun shining through the peaks and valleys on the moon. Pic by my son.
— The Real Prof. Katharine Hayhoe (@KHayhoe) October 14, 2023
Amazing shot of the eclipse
— Mike Bettes (@mikebettes) October 15, 2023
As Earthlings, we may think we have a pretty firm grasp on the details of our planet. But these uncomfortable facts are making us feel like aliens.
— Night Daily (@NightDaily_) October 4, 2023
Nothing does the soul more good than the sound of running water, the rustling of leaves, the chirping of birds and the smell of the forest. We should spend our lives in nature more often than at home in front of the computer or television.💚🌲☘️🌿🌱🌳🍀💚
— Green is a mission (@Greenisamissio1) October 15, 2023