Extreme Temperature Diary- Tuesday March 11th, 2025/ Main Topic: U.S. February 2025 Record Scoreboard and Climatological Review




WINTER 2024/2025 IN THE UNITED STATESDespite January-February being cold,Winter was just above normal,thanks to an exceptional warm December:Average 34.09F, anomaly +0.04F ALASKA 3rd warmest winterHAWAII and PUERTO RICO 2nd warmestNORTHERN MARIANAS and GUAM 1st warmest

Extreme Temperatures Around the World (@extremetemps.bsky.social) 2025-03-11T04:30:14.394Z

NCEI Record Count Archive – Guy On Climate


Relative increase of record high maximum temperatures compared to record low minimum temperatures in the U.S. – Meehl – 2009 – Geophysical Research Letters – Wiley Online Library


Assessing the U.S. Climate in February 2025

Winter was warm and dry for the contiguous U.S.; seasonal snowfall was below average across the Northern Plains and Upper Midwest

Key Points: 

  • Season-to-date snowfall was two or more feet below average across portions of the northern Plains and Upper Midwest, and above average downwind of the Great Lakes, in portions of the West and in parts of the central Plains, Gulf Coast, Southeast and Ohio Valley.
  • Alaska had its third-warmest winter, while Hawai’i had its second-warmest and fifth-driest winter on record.
  • Temperature and precipitation across the contiguous U.S. in February ranked near average.

Other Highlights: 


Map of the U.S. showing temperature departure from average for February 2025 with warmer areas in gradients of red and cooler areas in gradients of blue.

The average temperature of the contiguous U.S. in February was 34.9°F, 1.0°F above average, ranking in the middle third of the 131-year record. Generally, February temperatures were above average across much of the Southwest, Gulf Coast and Southeast and cooler-than-average from the Pacific Northwest to the northern and central Plains. Arizona had its second-warmest February on record.

The Alaska statewide February temperature was 11.8°F, 7.0°F above the long-term average, ranking in the warmest third of the 101-year period of record for the state. The Aleutian region ranked fourth warmest, with much of the state experiencing above-average temperatures. Below-average temperatures were present across the South Panhandle region.

For February, Hawai’i had an average temperature of 64.5°F, 1.4°F above the 1991–2020 average, ranking sixth warmest in the 35-year record.

The meteorological winter (December–February) average temperature for the Lower 48 was 34.1°F, 1.9°F above average, ranking in the warmest third of the record.

The Alaska winter temperature was 13.6°F, 10.0°F above the long-term average, ranking third warmest in the historical record for the state.

Hawai’i had a winter temperature average of 64.9°F, 1.2°F above average, ranking second warmest in the historical record.


Map of the U.S. showing precipitation percent of average for February 2025 with wetter areas in gradients of green and drier areas in gradients of brown.

February precipitation for the contiguous U.S. was 2.13 inches, which is average for the month. Wetter-than-average conditions were present across much of the Northwest and from the central Mississippi Valley to the East Coast and into parts of the Northeast. Dry conditions were present from parts of the Southwest and Deep South to the Great Lakes and northern Plains, as well as in portions of the Southeast.

Alaska’s average monthly precipitation ranked ninth driest for February, with portions of southwestern and southcentral Alaska having been much drier than average.

Precipitation across Hawai’i in February averaged 1.22 inches, 3.88 inches below average, ranking third driest on record.

The U.S. winter precipitation total was 5.87 inches, 0.92 inch below average, ranking in the driest third of the December–February record.

For the winter season, precipitation ranked in the wettest third of the historical record for Alaska.

Winter precipitation across Hawai’i was 8.52 inches, 8.03 inches below average, ranking fifth driest on record.


According to the March 4 U.S. Drought Monitor report, about 44.4% of the contiguous U.S. was in drought, up about 2% from the beginning of February. Drought conditions expanded or intensified across the Pacific Northwest, portions of the Southwest, Midwest, southern Plains and Hawai’i. Drought contracted or was reduced in intensity across parts of the Tennessee Valley, Mid-Atlantic, Northern Rockies and parts of the West Coast.

Monthly Outlook

Above-average temperatures are favored to impact the Deep South and Southeast while precipitation is likely to be above average across portions of the Northwest and Great Lakes. Drought is likely to persist or expand across parts of the central and northern Plains, Southwest and Deep South. Visit the Climate Prediction Center’s Official 30-Day Forecasts and U.S. Monthly Drought Outlook website for more details.

Significant wildland fire potential for March is above normal across portions of the Southwest, Deep South and Southeast. For additional information on wildland fire potential, visit the National Interagency Fire Center’s One-Month Wildland Fire Outlook.

For more detailed climate information, check out our comprehensive February 2025 U.S. Climate Report scheduled for release on March 13, 2025. For additional information on the statistics provided here, visit the Climate at a Glance and National Maps webpages.

Related Links

Climate at a Glance

February 2025 U.S.Climate Report (Available March 13, 2025)

National Temperature and Precipitation Maps

Climatological Rankings

Climatological Rankings Explained

State of the Climate Summaries

County Superlatives

Average Temperature Anomalies

Precipitation Anomalies

February 2025 Record Setters

Despite a Gulf Coast snowstorm for the ages, and some widespread/prolonged chilly weather in January, this winter was still milder overall than the vast bulk of contiguous U.S. winters up through the 1980s. Unnervingly dry, too.yaleclimateconnections.org/2025/03/the-…

Bob Henson (@bhensonweather.bsky.social) 2025-03-10T20:38:48.988Z

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Extreme Temperatures Around the World (@extremetemps.bsky.social) 2025-03-11T11:57:05.332Z

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Extreme Temperatures Around the World (@extremetemps.bsky.social) 2025-03-11T05:02:06.190Z

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Extreme Temperatures Around the World (@extremetemps.bsky.social) 2025-03-11T15:05:25.311Z

EXTRAORDINARY HEAT IN THAILANDRecords destroyed in pieces allover the country.HOTTEST MARCH NIGHT IN HISTORY IN BANGKOKMinimum 29.2C.Yesterday hottest day in history for any month at Bangkok South with 38.0C (Samut Prakaan).Next weeks deadly hot with THI up to 50/55C.

Extreme Temperatures Around the World (@extremetemps.bsky.social) 2025-03-11T03:11:09.524Z

February 2025 Globally,according to NASA, had a temperature anomaly of +0.61C vs. 1991/2020 normal and was the 3rd warmest on record, 0.17C behind 2024 and 0.10C behind 2016 and 0.02C above 2020, pretty much agreeing with Copernicus.NOAA data is coming tomorrow

Extreme Temperatures Around the World (@extremetemps.bsky.social) 2025-03-11T18:53:23.074Z

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(@adamplatform.bsky.social) 2025-03-10T18:18:17.267Z

#Trump's decision to abandon the Paris Agreement is an act that will go down as America’s day of infamy. A crime against all sentient life on Earth. #auspol #Uspol #climate

Pearls and Irritations (@johnmenadue.com) 2025-03-09T21:15:57.007415Z

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BC Wildfire Weekly – Wildfires + More (@bcwildfirewkly.bsky.social) 2025-03-09T23:46:36.492Z

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The Australia Institute (@australiainstitute.org.au) 2025-03-11T03:00:21.959Z

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Richard Allan (@rpallanuk.bsky.social) 2025-03-11T08:15:58.082Z

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Lars Kaleschke (@seaice.de) 2025-03-11T09:26:54.244Z

something doesn't make sense here…Americans want more science to deal with climate change. Trump does not?oh right, it's a Chinese hoax! or so he says.NOT❄️🧪#scicomm#climate#science#geosky#ClimateHealth#ClimateActioninsideclimatenews.org/news/0403202…?

Paul Bierman (@paul-bierman.bsky.social) 2025-03-09T14:03:55.820Z

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My Zero Carbon #ClimateAction (@myzerocarbon.org) 2025-03-10T07:55:06.588Z

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Cartoon Movement (@cartoonmovement.com) 2025-03-11T05:43:49.806Z

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Climatologist49 (@climatologist49.bsky.social) 2025-03-10T21:06:14.245Z

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FrameToFrameNature (@frametoframenature.bsky.social) 2025-03-10T19:47:23.154Z

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Paul Bierman (@paul-bierman.bsky.social) 2025-03-09T01:47:41.265Z

Funny how this is Clean energy just makes good sense, cents and dollars❄️#scicomm#climate#science🧪 🌎 🔬 ⚒️#geosky#ClimateHealth#ClimateActionwww.nytimes.com/2025/03/11/b…

Paul Bierman (@paul-bierman.bsky.social) 2025-03-11T12:23:44.675Z

As if the shattering of the #climate wasn't enoughI am fully convinced that we will not stop destroying the environment until it is far, far, to late to pull backHard to see humanity as anything other than a plaguewww.theguardian.com/environment/…

Prof Bill McGuire (@profbillmcguire.bsky.social) 2025-03-10T20:48:33.342Z

nice to see scientists pushing backnews.agu.org/press-releas…❄️#scicomm#climate#science🧪 🌎 🔬 ⚒️#geosky#ClimateHealth#ClimateAction

Paul Bierman (@paul-bierman.bsky.social) 2025-03-10T15:40:28.207Z

US Forest Service firings decimate already understaffed agency: ‘It’s catastrophic’."We are losing an entire generation of talent and passion."grist.org/politics/for…#Wildfires #Fires #Climate #GreenSky #Forest

Grist (@gristnews.bsky.social) 2025-03-11T17:25:29.392Z

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Grist (@gristnews.bsky.social) 2025-03-10T17:57:14.070Z

at last some fun, interesting news unrelated to politics!Love Whales.Joe is great writer!❄️🧪💙📚#scicomm#climate#UVMresearch#science🧪 🌎 🔬 ⚒️#geosky#ClimateHealth#ClimateActionwww.uvm.edu/uvmnews/news…

Paul Bierman (@paul-bierman.bsky.social) 2025-03-11T15:25:38.864Z

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