The main purpose of this ongoing blog will be to track planetary extreme, or record temperatures related to climate change. Any reports I see of ETs will be listed below the main topic of the day. I’ll refer to extreme or record temperatures as ETs (not extraterrestrials).😉
Main Topic: Declining the Trojan Horse of Fossil Fuel Money
Dear Diary. Since grade school the vast majority of us know what the Trojan Horse was. Just to jog everyone’s memory, here is a paragraph from Wikipedia:
The Trojan Horse refers to a wooden horse said to have been used by the Greeks, during the Trojan War, to enter the city of Troy and win the war. There is no Trojan Horse in Homer’s Iliad, with the poem ending before the war is concluded. But in the Aeneid by Virgil, after a fruitless 10-year siege, the Greeks at the behest of Odysseus constructed a huge wooden horse and hid a select force of men inside, including Odysseus himself. The Greeks pretended to sail away, and the Trojans pulled the horse into their city as a victory trophy. That night the Greek force crept out of the horse and opened the gates for the rest of the Greek army, which had sailed back under cover of night. The Greeks entered and destroyed the city of Troy, ending the war.
During our Climate War there is a new type of Trojan Horse employed by “the enemy.” Dark money, or in some cases donations in the plain light of day, to universities and other institutions is being spent to keep doors open for some reliance on fossil fuels is a modern Trojan Horse. Please don’t except this gift lest the carbon dioxide Greeks come out of that horse to ruin our climate.
That’s what many of my Generation Z friends are imploring their universities not to do. Here is much more that popped into my Gmail in box today from the New York Times (You can sign up for this very informative newsletter…just a tip from the Climate Guy):
Photo Illustration by The New York Times; Shutterstock
A feud over fossil fuel money
Is it OK to accept money from fossil fuel companies?
At Stanford University, the question is ringing loud. This month, hundreds of students, faculty members and alumni, in an open letter, called on the university’s new climate school to decline funding from fossil fuel companies.
The letter was partly a response to an interview the school’s inaugural dean, Arun Majumdar, gave to my Times colleague David Gelles, in which he said the school was open to donations from oil companies. Majumdar said the school, known as the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability, would be willing to work with companies “that want to diversify and be part of the solution.”
But the students and faculty members argue that fossil fuel companies just want to deflect attention from their role in a climate crisis that they continue to perpetuate. Accepting money from an industry with “a proven record of actively obscuring the scientific consensus on climate change,” the letter said, “presents a conflict of interest.”
It’s an issue that many institutions around the world, not only universities, are struggling with. Two environmental nonprofit groups, and, started a website to keep track of divestment pledges from universities, banks, companies and even Queen Elizabeth II. So far, the list includes more than 1,500 institutions and businesses worth some $40 trillion. (The New York Times accepts advertising from fossil fuel companies.)
In a commencement speech this morning at Seton Hall University in New Jersey, the United Nations secretary general, António Guterres, urged students to shun fossil fuel companies. “Don’t work for climate wreckers,” he said. “Use your talents to drive us toward a renewable future.”
Back at Stanford, a survey of students about measures they wanted the new climate school to implement found that refusing money from polluting industries was a top priority.
Celina Scott-Buechler, a doctoral student at the Stanford School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences, said she thought the moment echoed the decline of the tobacco industry.
The parallels between the two cases are clear. Both sectors have been accused of running campaigns to mislead consumers and government institutions on the true dangers linked to their products. Both have faced lawsuits on those grounds.
In 2016, researchers unearthed documents that suggested that both oil and tobacco companies had hired the same public relations firms and research organizations to fight off allegations that their products were harmful.
There are also differences, though. As we know all too well, fossil fuels are central to modern life in a way that cigarettes are not, and it is an enormous challenge to change that. And, like Majumdar, many say they believe in working with companies on their plans to transform their businesses. The general idea is that collaboration on credible plans to transition to the clean energy sector is a lot more helpful than shunning companies.
For example, when the Norwegian sovereign wealth fund, the largest of its kind in the world, announced in 2019 that it would divest from fossil fuels, it didn’t include oil companies that invest in clean energy technology.
Whatever happens, scientists say, it needs to happen sooner rather than later.
According to a timeline by the PBS program “Frontline,” four decades passed between the first scientific studies showing the dangers of smoking and the moment states started suing to recover what they had spent treating sick smokers in the 1990s.
It was around then that institutions started to reject tobacco money (The Times stopped accepting cigarette ads in 1999), though a few medical schools only decided to refuse donations a few years ago.
Scientists started to agree that human activity has an impact on the planet’s climate around the 1980s. But only in recent years have U.S. states filed lawsuits against fossil fuel companies. They are arguing, much like they did in suits against the tobacco industry, that companies misled them.
But activists in the divestment movement argue that, in the case of climate change, the planet doesn’t have decades to ramp up the pressure on fossil fuel companies.
Scott-Buechler said she hoped the research that she and others are putting out “can be a rallying call to move faster than the institutions of the past.”
A farm worker on the outskirts of New Delhi. Tempreratures in the area have climbed above 100 degrees Fahrenheit, about 38 Celsius, almost every day this month.Harish Tyagi/EPA, via Shutterstock
Essential news from The Times:
Indian and Pakistan swelter: Researchers say global warming made the heat wave in the two countries, now in its third month, at least 30 times more likely to occur.
An H&M store in central Stockholm. Fredrik Sandberg/Agence France-Presse, via Getty Images
Before you go: Fast fashion and ethical shopping
What do you do if you want to shop responsibly but you have a limited budget? Some inexpensive fashion brands are better than others, but how long you wear the clothes is really crucial, writes Vanessa Friedman, chief fashion critic for The Times. Her advice: If you’re going to get something new, buy for the long term, not the weekend.
Last Friday’s newsletter characterized incorrectly the conclusions of a report by the World Meteorological Organization. While the agency did find that the world’s oceans have not been this acidic in 26,000 years, that time frame does not apply to heat in the oceans. (The last time oceans were this warm was more than 100,000 years ago.)
Thanks for reading. We’ll be back on Friday.
Claire O’Neill and Douglas Alteen contributed to Climate Forward. You can see and share the website version here.
We're cheering on from your northern neighbors here! Go @FossilFreeCA and the Teachers and Professors who are backing #SB1173 for divestment. Contact all your friends in California!
Here are some “ET’s” recorded from around the planet the last couple of days, their consequences, and some extreme temperature outlooks:
🌡️According to Severe Weather Morocco, the station of Sidi Slimane recorded 47.2°C on May 20 and not 45.7°C as initially noticed! This has been confirmed by the Direction Générale de la Météorologie Nationale. The new national May record is now hotter than the June nat. record!
East Asia Heat Wave:Today 24 May The Chinese town of Turpan in Xinjiang rose to 42.2C. In Mongolia 33.8C at Baitag (46N ,1186m asl). In North Korea 34.1C and Japan 33.2C. The heat wave will last the whole week. Very hot nights (Tmins >30C) are also expected in Turpan.
— Extreme Temperatures Around The World (@extremetemps) May 24, 2022
Middle East between severe sandstorms and heat waves:Yesterday 23 May the temperature rose to 48C at Dammam in NE Saudi coast. In the capital Riyadh (614m asl) 45.6C ,only 0.4C from May record. Large swathes of Middle East have been with repeated severe sandstorms.
— Extreme Temperatures Around The World (@extremetemps) May 24, 2022
Remarkable Tmin of -9.9°C in Liawenee [1,057 m], Tasmania (#Australia 🇦🇺). 🦘 It's only 0.6°C above the monthly record (since 2001 only) and it's the 3rd lowest temperature ever recorded in #Tasmania in May. The national May record is -13.4°C in Charlotte Pass, NSW in 2008.
After the end of the record heat wave in Western Europe,the warmth is moving east with the first 35C+ in Southern Italy (up to 37.2C in Sardinia). First 30C of 2022 in Malta. Very cold in European Russia with daytime temps. below 10C and even some snow like in Niznij Novgorod.
— Extreme Temperatures Around The World (@extremetemps) May 24, 2022
It's getting very cold in the Andine Highlands. Yesterday 23 May the El Alto Int. AP in Bolivia (4058m asl) dropped to -9.8C, only 0.5C above the May cold record. In Perù ,Chuapalca (4200m asl) -19.8C.
— Extreme Temperatures Around The World (@extremetemps) May 24, 2022
April 2022 tied for fifth-warmest April on record. And despite the ongoing La Niña cooling the tropical Pacific, 2022 is virtually certain to be one of the 10 warmest years in the historical record.
— Asitha Jayawardena (@sustainableuni1) May 24, 2022
Here is more climate and weather news from Tuesday:
(As usual, this will be a fluid post in which more information gets added during the day as it crosses my radar, crediting all who have put it on-line. Items will be archived on this site for posterity. In most instances click on the pictures of each tweet to see each article. The most noteworthy items will be listed first.)
NOAA, CSU, the UK Met Office, TSR, TWC, and PSU all predict an above-average Atlantic hurricane season. See my roundup on the various forecasts at:
When the #GlassFire tore through Sonoma County in 2020, the owner of the famed @TheCastello says he wasn't prepared to handle the blaze that burned his winery to the ground.
#TuesdayMorning Reading: #California’s State Water Resources Control Board is set to vote on a statewide ban on watering non-functional turf in commercial, industrial and institutional settings
— @FFF_SAJ ._. Sweden Årsta Janine #UprootTheSystem (@FFF_SAJ) May 24, 2022
“State and regional inspectors have found six idled oil wells leaking methane near Bakersfield homes in the past week, raising concerns among some about potential explosions and other risks.”
When updating my slides for tomorrow's last lecture, I realized that there was a small dip in atm. CO2 at Mauna Loa in early 2022, much more pronounced than in previous years. 🧐 Causes?
— 🌎F4F Youths Strikers ❄️ #STAND WITH UKRAINE 🇺🇦 (@F4FYStrikers) May 24, 2022
Hey Alabamians: Please, pretty please, don't vote today for Mr "Sea level rise is caused by rocks tumbling into the ocean" @RepMoBrooks
— Prof Michael E. Mann (@MichaelEMann) May 24, 2022
Ongoing attempt to redefine nature as trash to give a free pass for those destroying natural world so they can boost profits include Calling seals rats of the sea so they can be killed To call flowering plants that feed bees and pollinate our crops as weeds to be killed with pest
Geologists have come up with a new way to estimate the intensity of old earthquakes: take their temperature. Read #AGUpubs press release:
— AGU (American Geophysical Union) (@theAGU) May 24, 2022
An enormous tornado touched down on Monday and, miraculously, it didn't injure anyone or damage anything — but it gave storm chasers a sight they’ll likely never forget:
— Breaking Weather by AccuWeather (@breakingweather) May 24, 2022
(If you like these posts and my work please contribute via the PayPal widget, which has recently been added to this site. Thanks in advance for any support.)